Your kinda weird but overall friendly neighborhood art and humanities kid

A photo of me taking a picture of my reflection in a mirror with a Canon camera

My life can largely be characterized by an incessant hunt for new methods with which to tell stories. Long before graphic design or art, I discovered the beautiful realm of written word. Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I was an avid reader, always hungry for a different world or time or existence to escape to. At an early age, I began crafting literary escapes for myself. I became known by my family and members of our community to always be either reading or writing.

As a child, I was excited by the idea that there were absolutely no limits or bounds when it came to creations of my own making. If my mind could fathom it, then it could be. As an adult, that sentiment still makes me giddy, and has led me to pursue other means of storytelling. I now find myself here, a graphic designer that enjoys almost nothing more than solving how to communicate stories and messages through visual connections.

I am an absolute research junkie. I can spend literally forever just learning about any topic through reading or interviewing those who know more than me. In my spare time, I love to engage in even more methods of storytelling (what a surprise!), including playing the piano, drawing, and (still and always) writing.

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